
Beauty Content // Common Laser Hair Removal Questions*

If you are contemplating having laser hair removal performed on your body, you probably have a lot of questions. Is it right for you? How painful is it? Is it likely to be successful? To answer such questions, you need to explore the science behind laser hair removal procedures. You also need to understand how they compare to other common hair removal methods. Below are the answers to some common laser hair removal questions to help you.

What makes lasers better than other hair removal treatments?
When trying to determine what makes laser hair removal treatments better than other hair removal methods, you have to understand that “better” is a relative term. Laser treatments are fast. Laser devices are also quite accurate, making missed hairs a thing of the past. However, they are not perfect treatments for everyone.

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Who can have laser hair removal?
Most people can have laser hair removal, so you may be a candidate for it. It doesn’t matter what part of your body you want to treat. For example, it can be used on your arms, legs or back. A laser is a hair removal device often best used to treat larger areas. But it can be used even for small treatment areas, such as your face.

The color and condition of your skin are the most important factors when deciding if you can have laser hair removal done. Typically, your results will be best if your hair is of a darker shade than your skin. You can have the treatment if the reverse is true, but you need to seek out a special laser hair removal device designed for your skin type. Also, regardless of color, if your skin is excessively oily you must discuss potential burn risks with your clinician before treatment proceeds.

What effects can you expect during and after the laser hair removal procedure?
During the laser hair removal procedure, expect to feel a snapping or pinching sensation on your skin. You may also feel some heat. However, your discomfort can be managed by your clinician using topical numbing agents or cool blasts of air. One thing you should not expect during the laser treatment is for the hair in the treatment area to vanish. It will not fall out or disappear instantly.

Immediately after the laser treatment your skin may be pink and sensitive to the touch. It may also feel dry. Additionally, it will be extra sensitive to the sun for a while while it heals. Therefore, you must follow the instructions of your clinician regarding keeping it moisturized and protecting it from the sun’s rays. Over the course of three to four weeks after the treatment, the hairs in the treatment area should fall out. However, multiple treatments are required for full laser hair removal success. Those treatments will be spread several weeks apart.

Does Laser Hair Removal Work Permanently?
Laser hair removal is not a permanent fix for unwanted hair all the time. Although, some people have experienced permanent hair loss after completing a full round of laser treatments. It is more likely the hair will take several weeks or months to regrow. Then some additional maintenance will be required. Depending on the extent of the regrowth, you may opt for additional laser treatment or decide to remove any hairs that regrow on your own at home.

Since there is no guarantee of permanent hair removal after laser treatment and if you need hairpieces, you may be wondering why you should bother with the procedure at all. The answer is the hair takes much longer to return after such a treatment than it would after using a regular home hair removal method like shaving. The laser damages the hair follicles and causes the full shaft of each hair to fall out, making regrowth take much longer than after only the visible portions of hair are lopped off when shaving. The result is similar to mowing your lawn versus digging the grass out roots and all.

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